22 Jun

“Adobe is using machine learning to make it easier to spot Photoshopped images”

“Experts around the world are getting increasingly worried about new AI tools that make it easier than ever to edit images and videos — especially with social media’s power to share shocking content quickly and without fact-checking.”

Read: Adobe is using machine learning to make it easier to spot Photoshopped images

07 Sep

“The next challenge for facial recognition is identifying people whose faces are covered”

“Facial recognition is becoming more and more common, but ask anyone how to avoid it and they’ll say: easy, just wear a mask. In the future, though, that might not be enough.”

Read: The next challenge for facial recognition is identifying people whose faces are covered

06 Sep

“The next challenge for facial recognition is identifying people whose faces are covered”

“Facial recognition is becoming more and more common, but ask anyone how to avoid it and they’ll say: easy, just wear a mask. In the future, though, that might not be enough.”

Read: The next challenge for facial recognition is identifying people whose faces are covered

29 Aug

“A Survey of 3,000 Executives Reveals How Businesses Succeed with AI”

“The buzz over artificial intelligence (AI) has grown loud enough to penetrate the C-suites of organizations around the world, and for good reason. Investment in AI is growing and is increasingly coming from organizations outside the tech space.”

Read: A Survey of 3,000 Executives Reveals How Businesses Succeed with AI

22 Aug

“Transgender YouTubers had their videos grabbed to train facial recognition software”

“About five or six years ago, one of Karl Ricanek’s students showed him a video on YouTube. It was a time lapse of a person undergoing hormone replacement therapy, or HRT, in order to transition genders.”

Read: Transgender YouTubers had their videos grabbed to train facial recognition software

28 Jul

“A ‘potentially deadly’ mushroom-identifying app highlights the dangers of bad AI”

“There’s a saying in the mushroom-picking community that all mushrooms are edible but some mushrooms are only edible once. That’s why, when news spread on Twitter of an app that used “revolutionary AI” to identify mushrooms with a single picture, mycologists and fungi-foragers were worried.”

Read: A ‘potentially deadly’ mushroom-identifying app highlights the dangers of bad AI

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