14 Aug

“Apple Working on Using Face Recognition to Simplify Photo Sharing”

“Friends often ask for copies of photos you took of them at gatherings, and Apple wants to make it less of a hassle to send those images. The company has developed a new photo sharing system that uses face recognition to automatically figure out who’s in your shots and have the photos sent to them.”

Read: Apple Working on Using Face Recognition to Simplify Photo Sharing

13 Aug

“Japanese railway cameras automatically spot drunk commuters to save their lives”

“Drunk commuters tumbling into trains is a serious issue in Japan. In 2013 there were 221 cases of passengers getting hit by trains while either on the platform or having fallen onto the tracks, with 60 percent of these caused by drunkenness.”

Read: Japanese railway cameras automatically spot drunk commuters to save their lives

07 Aug

“New facts on film’s ‘epidemic of invisibility’ for women, minorities”

“A new USC study has found that women had less than one-third of the speaking roles in the top-grossing films between 2007 and 2014 — another indication of the extent of Hollywood’s longstanding gender and diversity problems.”

Read: New facts on film’s ‘epidemic of invisibility’ for women, minorities

07 Aug

“Paribus launches an app to fight back against hidden price discrimination”

“E-commerce has created a world of incredible, even disturbing convenience. The average American living in a major city can now outsource nearly every chore imaginable, while having everything she would ever need delivered to her home within a couple of hours.”

Read: Paribus launches an app to fight back against hidden price discrimination

03 Aug

“Chilly at Work? Office Formula Was Devised for Men”

“Summers are hot in Omaha, where heat indexes can top 100 degrees. But Molly Mahannah is prepared. At the office, she bundles up in cardigans or an oversized sweatshirt from her file drawer. Then, she says, “I have a huge blanket at my desk that I’ve got myself wrapped in like a burrito.”

Read: Chilly at Work? Office Formula Was Devised for Men

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